These are plants you should keep away from your pets. azalea bird-of-paradise buttercup daffodil daylily Easter lily hyacinth iris lily of the valley morning glory oleander wisteria
These foods might be ok for us to eat, but are toxic for our dogs to eat. Do not give these foods to your dog. alcohol chocolate onions grapes and raisins coffee and tea nutmeg macadamia nuts fruits avocados tomotoes, potatoes, and rhubarb hops yeast dough moldy foods
If you believe you dog has consumed a dangerous subsatance call you veterinarian or ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Hotline at 1-800-426-4435 1-800-426-4435 . Signs of poisoning include vomitting, diarrhea, weakness, salvation, and convulsions. If you believe your pet has been poisoned seek veterinary attention right away.
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